Short Documentary: Survivors’ Stories Amid Unimaginable Loss

Not that long ago on 25th April 2015, a massive 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal that claimed nearly 8000 lives and displaced estimated 200,000 people. After experiencing more than 150 aftershocks and several 5+ Richter scales tremors, people thought that dust had settled and started going back to their houses that were livable. People were trying to recover and come to the terms of unimaginable suffering … Continue reading Short Documentary: Survivors’ Stories Amid Unimaginable Loss

#NepalEarthquake 7.9: National Tragedy

My tight-knit community of around 7,000 is also hit hard by this earthquake. The United States Geological Survey reported that a scale of 7.9 magnitude earthquake wrecked Kathmandu valley, the capital city of Nepal. The epicenter was only 35 kilometers, the east of Lamjung, Nepal. At this point, the Nepal Government has confirmed more than 1500 death toll and this number could rise since the … Continue reading #NepalEarthquake 7.9: National Tragedy

Scary Moments Staying Behind the Wheels During Tornado

Watching tornado chasers in television always enthused me. They seemed to be crazily adventurous people who drive after tornado and shot video clips putting their lives in danger. However, they have found joy and their purpose in their lives doing so. For me as a spectator, it never made complete sense of it. It still does not. Last night, we had an EF1 tornado that … Continue reading Scary Moments Staying Behind the Wheels During Tornado